
Traffic and Parking

Traffic and Parking Policies

《澳门金沙棋牌游戏》第20章有关北卡罗来纳州高速公路的使用和机动车的运营的所有规定应适用于街道, roads, alleys, 校园内的车道以及北卡罗莱纳州通用法规115D-21规定的董事会批准的其他规章制度.

  1. 1. 违反学校交通和停车政策的,将被处以罚款.
  2.  这些规则和条例应24小时适用于所有车辆的操作员, public or private, while operating a vehicle on the campus of the college.
  3. 在大学校园内驾驶任何车辆的人士,必须遵守校园警务人员的法律指示及所有符合本规例规定的交通标志.
  4. 寻找合法停车位的责任落在机动车经营者身上. Lack of space is not considered
    an excuse for violation of parking regulations.
  5. 书院须负责确保竖立及维护必要的标志,以执行有关的
    intent of these regulations.
  6. 所有在校园内运行的车辆必须正确登记,并在车辆后方显示停车标志. Motorcycles and mopeds are also subject to this policy.  不遵守车辆登记程序构成违法相当于违章停车.
  7. 显示停车贴花,如后玻璃左侧(左下角)所示.*
  8. 电单车/轻便单车必须张贴明显的泊车贴,并在指定的电单车泊位泊车. If a designated space is not available, any undesignated space will suffice. 如果在指定的电单车泊车位外停车,操作员有责任使用踏板.
  9. The person to whom a vehicle parking decal is issued, as herein provided, shall be responsible for all parking and traffic
    violations of the vehicle for which the permit is issued. 获得停车贴是将车辆带入校园的人的责任, and failure to do so constitutes a violation of the Traffic and Parking Policy.
  10. Students may park in any undesignated parking spaces.
  11. Visitor parking spaces are not for student use.
  12. Should you need a temporary parking pass, contact the Student Activities Office.

Specific Violations of the Traffic and Parking Policy

以下列表包括可能导致传票的特定交通和停车违规行为, fines, warnings or other disciplinary action.


  1. Parking in a restricted parking lot or zone.
  2. 在“残疾人停车场”停车,没有适当的残疾人标志或车牌显示.
  3. 将车停在草地上(除非有标志表明允许这样做或指定车位为溢位泊车区).
  4. Blocking any legally parked vehicle.
  5. Not displaying a current parking decal/permit.*
  6. Not affixing parking decal to the rear of the vehicle.*
  7. Parking in a “no-parking” zone.
  8. Parking in a “visitor” zone.
  9. 将泊车牌照/许可证贴在并非已获发泊车牌照的车辆上.*
  10. Parking against traffic flow.
  11. Reckless driving.
  12. Blocking or obstructing traffic, street, crosswalk, sidewalk, fire hydrant, building entrance or exit, or another vehicle properly parked.
  13. Protruding into lane of traffic.
  14. Double parking.
  15. 在路肩停车(除非有官方标志指示停车).
  16. Driving in excess of posted speed limits.
  17. Failure to obey traffic signs.
  18. Failure to obey directions of Campus Police Officers.
  19. Failure to yield right-of-way at pedestrian crossings.
  20. Following too closely.
  21. Driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
  22. Operating vehicle causing loud and unnecessary noise, such as mufflers, horns, public address systems, stereos, etc.
  23. Failure to yield right-of-way to emergency vehicles.
  24. Failure to obey all seat belt and child passenger safety seat  requirements.
  25. Operating or parking a vehicle in any manner that creates a safety hazard.
  26. Leaving a vehicle on campus overnight without notifying a Campus Police Officer.

Consequences of Traffic and Parking Violations

  1. The following system of citations and fines shall be used:
    a. 校园警察办公室应负责对违规停车和其他违反交通法规的行为发出传票.
    b. Fines
    i. Violations of the Traffic and Parking Policy carry a $25.00 fine for each citation.
    ii. Fines shall be made payable to the Business Office  and receipted by the cashier.
    iii. Fines must be paid immediately after all appeals have been exhausted; or if the person has not filed notification of
    the intent to appeal, immediately following his/her last hearing; or ten calendar days after the ticket was issued
    and the time for appeal has expired; whichever  is greater.
  2. In addition to the standard fines imposed for violations of the Traffic Code, the following penalties may also be imposed:
    a. 所有这些条款都在北卡罗来纳州通用法规115D-21和第20节中详细说明.
    b. (三)欠费者,学院禁止其下学期注册上课
    the previous semester.
    c. 逾期不缴罚款者,学院将扣留成绩单,不予毕业.
    d. 教职员工将按照学院政策受到纪律处分.
    e. 逾期罚款将被记入学生在学院的财务账户. The student will not be permitted to re-enroll until fines are paid.
    f. 累计五次或以上违章停车的学生将被取消停车资格
    following semester.
    g. 任何车辆留在校园一个星期或更长时间,没有适当通知校园警察办公室将被视为遗弃和拖走,费用由车主承担.
    h. 发现车辆停放不当,妨碍交通或者其他车辆通行时, the driver of the vehicle will be notified  immediately. This may require calling the student out of class. 如果学生多次被通知移动他/她停放不当的车辆, his driving privileges on the college campus may be revoked.

Traffic and Parking Appeal Process


a. Pay the fine.

b. 在收到传票后的三个工作日内,向辅导服务主任提交书面申诉. A ruling

c. 学生对辅导服务主任的决定不满意,可在三个工作日内向行政服务主任提出最后上诉.

* Vehicle Registration and Parking Decal

所有在大学校园内行驶的车辆必须登记并出示有效的停车许可证. Any violation of College traffic rules and regulations may result in a fine.

Students parking on the WCC campus are required to have a valid parking decal.

Each curriculum student receives only one free parking decal. Additional parking decals can be purchased in the Business Office for  $2.00 each. A valid license plate number is required to obtain a parking decal. 请致电学生活动办公室919-739-6740或919-739-6742查询办公时间和其他信息.

无论白天还是晚上,继续教育的学生都需要出示停车贴牌. The Student Parking Fee is $2.00. 停车证必须在登记时到继续教育服务处购买.
